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En la frontera

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dpatop – 20 January 2025, Mexico, Tijuana: Silvia Martinez and her daughter, both Salvadoran migrants, hug after learning that their appointment to apply for asylum in the US has been canceled. The migrants learned that an app used to pre-schedule appointments and dates to apply for asylum in the US, called CBP One, was shut down as a result of newly sworn-in US President Trump’s first acts in office. All scheduled appointments were canceled, which worried the migrants. Photo: Felix Marquez/dpa (Photo by Felix Marquez/picture alliance via Getty Images)
Inmigración y tus derechos 6 Feb

¿Cuál es el futuro de los menores migrantes no acompañados bajo el gobierno de Trump?

Operadores de drones de DPS capturaron imágenes de los hombres armados en la frontera entre Texas y Estados Unidos.
Patrulla Fronteriza 28 Ene

Imágenes de dron muestran a la Patrulla Fronteriza recibiendo disparos en la frontera con México

Arizona 24 Ene

Temor por denuncia en redes sociales de supuestos operativos de ICE


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Fragment of Stamp H1B USA Worker Visa.
visas 29 Dic, 2024

Trump dice que apoya el programa de visas H-1B

EAGLE PASS, TX – Incoming “border czar” and former acting U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement director Tom Homan visits Camp Eagle where members of the Texas National Guard and Department of Public Safety officers convene for a Thanksgiving meal in Eagle Pass, Texas on November 26, 2024. (Photo by Scott Stephen Ball for The Washington Post via Getty Images)
inmigrantes 26 Dic, 2024

Zar de la frontera dice que retomará detención de familias migrantes

CIUDAD JUAREZ, MEXICO – NOVEMBER 2: More than a hundred separated families meet again in the 2024 event of ‘Hugs not Walls’ in the center of the Rio Grande, Ciudad Juarez, Mexico on November 02, 2024. Once again, the event allowed families separated by immigration status, lack of visas, or deportations for years to be reunited on the dividing line that separates Mexico from the United States, on the Juarez-El Paso border just three days before the U.S. elections. (Photo by David Peinado/Anadolu via Getty Images)
Donald Trump 24 Dic, 2024

Inmigrantes se preparan ante amenaza de ICE en escuelas, iglesias y hospitales

Foros comunitarios

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Yo soy Arizona

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Residente recupera 40 mil dólares en contrato de paneles solares
Arizona Hace 21 horas

Residente recupera 40 mil dólares en contrato de paneles solares

Arizona 7 Feb

Su generador falló, pero Telemundo respondió

4 Feb

Residente del valle recupera más de 15 mil dólares


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Donald Trump 10 Feb

Países advierten a Trump las consecuencias de imponer aranceles a importaciones de aluminio

México 9 Feb

Tragedia en México: choque entre camión y autobús deja solo nueve sobrevivientes

Sheinbaum reafirma apoyo a migrantes mexicanos en EE.UU. y destaca fortaleza de consulados
México 8 Feb

Sheinbaum reafirma su apoyo a migrantes mexicanos en EEUU

